Gallbladder Symptoms versus Stomach Pain

There are many people who do not know where their gallbladder is or what gallbladder attack symptoms feel like. The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ that helps the body digest fat and concentrates the bile that is produced by liver…

After eating a meal, the gallbladder releases bile into the intestines that helps digest the dietary fats. When the gallbladder malfunctions, possible serious outcomes can occur. Gallbladder attack symptoms mimic and are similar to those of other diseases, such as gastric ulcers, heart disease, kidney problems, or indigestion. Often, gallbladder pain is ignored or misdiagnosed.

It is important to remember that stomach and abdominal pain are just one of the symptoms of gallbladder malfunctioning.

If you have stomach pain in addition to the following symptoms, it may help you assess real gallbladder symptoms versus stomach pain.

Gallbladder symptoms can include chest pain on the right side of the body or the upper middle or right abdominal area, often caused by stones in the bile duct. The gallstones can block or slow the flow of the bile in the bile duct from the liver to the small intestine, resulting in either a dull ache or sharp pain in the surrounding area.

Jaundice is a condition where the flow of bile is blocked, backed up into the liver, and is released into the bloodstream, causing the skin and whites of the eyes to turn yellow. If you notice this occurring, you should see a doctor immediately.

It may be extremely painful to touch the gallbladder area, and you may experience nausea, vomiting, and a loss of appetite. Other symptoms may include difficulty while walking or sitting up straight, pain spreading between the shoulder blades and back, burping and belching, as well as acid reflux. The gallbladder attack symptom may last 30 minutes to 15 hours, peaking around 15 minutes. You may find relief by lying down on top of a pillow on the left side of the body. This will aid in decreasing the pressure from the gallbladder.

The above symptoms should help you recognize real gallbladder symptoms versus stomach pain. If you experience chills or a fever with the above symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately. Your doctor will fully diagnose you by examining your gallbladder via ultrasound and recommend you a treatment suitable for your condition. In more serious conditions, your doctor may remove your gallbladder through surgery to prevent further painful gallbladder attack symptoms.