Gall Bladder Symptoms and Gallbladder Rupture

Certain gallbladder symptoms can lead to Gallbladder Rupture. Cholecystitis is the inflammation of the gallbladder. This condition is often caused by cholelithiasis (gallstones or choleliths in the gallbladder)…

Choleliths or gallstones may block the cystic duct, which causes the bile to thicken as well as increasing the chances of a secondary infection. This leads the gallbladder to become inflamed. An extreme gallbladder symptom is rupture, a serious injury.

A gallbladder attack will usually precede the rupturing of the gallbladder. Gallbladder attacks often include chest pain in the upper abdominal area as well as the right side of the body. You may find it difficult to touch the area under your liver, where your gallbladder is located without experiencing intense pain. This pain may also spread to the right shoulder or the back.

Other symptoms you may experience are queasiness, the urge to vomit, and nausea. You might also experience difficulty walking to sitting up without feeling pain. More severe symptoms include fever, chills, and a jaundice.

Jaundice is a condition where bile is backed up into the liver when gallstones block the cystic duct. This causes the bile to be forced into the bloodstream, where it will travel and cause your skin and the whites of your eyes to turn yellow.

If you experience chills, fever, or jaundice, you should see your doctor immediately. However, gallbladder symptoms can leave to rupture. When the gallbladder ruptures, the pain may actually subdue, which may cause individuals to postpone seeking medical attention.

Gallbladder Rupture

Approximately one in ten individuals with acute cholecytitis will experience gallbladder rupturing. Those with diabetes are at greater risk from a ruptured gallbladder.

After a gallbladder ruptures, one may get an infection called peritonitis, an infection of the abdominal membranes. Some symptoms of this infection include nausea, bloating, fatigue, diarrhea, vomitting, appetite loss, abnormal bowel movement, and flatulence.

A ruptured gallbladder can be fatal if you do not seek medical treatment immediately. It will need to be removed, and antibiotic treatment will likely be prescribed.

These symptoms explaining what a gallbladder rupture feels like should assist you in whether or not you need to seek medical attention immediately. If you experience gallbladder attack symptoms and are not sure if your gallbladder has ruptured, you should see your local physician about your symptoms. Your doctor will be able to fully diagnose and recommend a suitable treatment for you. In more serious cases, your gallbladder may need to be removed via surgery to prevent further complications and pain.

You’ve found that certain gallbladder symptoms can lead to Gallbladder Rupture. Please share the info with others you know that suffer from these gall bladder symptoms.